Monday, November 20, 2006

censorship is evil



This country has a committee that tell us what is moral and amoral called the F.F.C. personally I think that they have no right to tell us what is and not moral. But tipper gore and her group of evil feel that there severing a purpose. saying that buried alive makes kids want to kill themselves, or that Marylyn Manson is the reason that columbine happened when it’s really the parents that never listen to there kids which is the problem. There is a coalition against censorship but there a not as well known as the counter part the F.C.C. they believe that free speech matters. Where as others such as Howard stern say that the F.C.C. is just evil. Someone I don’t like but agree with completely. It is a complete volition of our rights as U.S. citizens to watch what we want when we want and the F.C.C.

Can not understand that then there’s something wrong with them and not us. I find there is always some prude trying to change the world to be more like they want to be. Truth is this mason was not to blame for columbine metal doesn’t get kids to kill themselves or do drugs and have sex. But that’s hat the F.C.C. thinks it does and that’s why there still here.

But the F.C.C. did do one good thing but not on propose the made the parental adversary label which help metal sales greatly. But most of all proved my point all to well there just a waste of tax payers money.

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